TSO named “Developer of the Year” at Structures 2016

Sep 22, 2016 | Silicon Valley Business Journal

The Silicon Valley Business Journal has once again honored key projects and people in Silicon Valley real estate and development at its annual Structures Awards. At this year’s event, The Sobrato Organization was recognized as Developer of the Year.

In this week’s SVBJ cover story about TSO, Nathan Donato Weinstein writes that Sobrato has been busy “building in new markets, acquiring development sites up the Peninsula, and keeping planners from Fremont to San Jose to Redwood City busy with ambitious projects—future manufacturing buildings, high-rise apartments and urban-style offices. At the same time, the company has leant its credible voice in the ongoing—and sometimes painful—regional conversation on growth’s ills: Out-of-reach housing costs, worsening traffic and just plain development fatigue…”

The article describes several commercial projects underway such as University Square in East Palo Alto and EMC’s 270,000 sf Menlo Park campus, as well as Sobrato’s Arquitectonica-designed residential high-rise coming to downtown San Jose, and the firm’s “sustainability strategy” of mixed-use projects throughout the region.

In addition to the new People’s Choice Award (based on instant polling at the event for Morgan Hill’s historic Granada Theatre), three other awards were announced Thursday night: Deal of the Year (Central & Wolfe), Dealmaker of the Year (Steve Horton), and Game Changer (Apple North San Jose Arrival). Sobrato’s Rob Hollister, Chase Lyman, Peter Tsai, Jeff Sobrato, and Robert Tersini were on hand to receive the honor on behalf of TSO.

Click here to view the Silicon Valley Business Journal’s full article posted at bizjournals.com, and here to view a pdf of the print issue provided by SVBJ.


Pictured: Kevin Morris, Robert Tersini, Rob Hollister, Tim Steele and Chase Lyman of The Sobrato Organization. Photograph by Vicki Thompson, Silicon Valley Business Journal.